Usefull information about your policy
MI SANITAS is the virtual client area for each registered member (if you are not yet registered, please click here).
The MI SANITAS app - answers many questions and provides necessary information and documents.
In this blog we will explain step-by-step where to find the following information:
- Your profile
- Your policies
- Your digital membership card
- Useful phone numbers
- Contact form / Request to be called by Sanitas customer support
- Copayments
- User guide
Please log in.
Depending if you log in on via the app on your phone or on your computer, you will see the main menu differently but with the same items.
In the app, you have to click below right on MORE in order to access the main menu.
Your profile
- Where: administrative procedures => profile and contact
- What: Edit contact details, select language, manage notifications
Your policies
- Where: administrative procedures => poliy and documentation
- What: overview of policies and products you have contracted
Your digital membership card
- Where: administrative procedures => Digital card
- Where app: in the main menu below
- What: QR code with your digital membership card
Useful telephone numbers
- Where: contact => contact phone numbers
- What: phone numbers for e.g. emergency, assistance abroad, customer service …
Contact form
- Where: contact => contact form
- What: select a topic why you need to contact Sanitas customer support and explain your situation.
Request to be called by Sanitas customer support
- Where: contact => Shall we call you ?
- What: verify if your phone number is correct, select the reason why you need help and click on “call me”
Nearest Sanitas offices
- Where: contact => nearest branches
- What: search via
- Where: administrative procedures => copayments
- What: detailed listing of your co-payments by selecting the month and clicking on “statement.pdf”
User guide
- Where: administrative procedures => user guide
- What: tutorials and videos to learn how to use MI SANITAS
Via MI SANITAS you can carry out a lot of adminstrative procedures yourself (click here to find out more) and important documentation to download (click here).
Thanks for letting us know, if this article was useful.
Best regards,
Your Sanitas Estepona Team