Advice on improving ergonomics
Holding our bodies in a proper posture is essential to prevent more serious damage in the future. We need to take into account ergonomics, the discipline that studies the relationship between our work environment and body posture.
Ergonomics, a key part of our well-being
We really must understand how we move in order to avoid injury. To understand and avoid it as far as possible we’re going to think about the commonest, everyday situations that occur when we adopt particular body postures. It’s highly recommended that we change our body position every 30 minutes and carry out stretching to tone it.
Our body from the bottom up
Starting with our feet:
When standing or sitting down, feet shouaresting fully on the ground. If we tread using just one part or with our foot slightly flexed on the ground, it’ll feel as if it’s going to sleep and could bring on pins and needles, which is a warning sign that this isn’t our natural or correct position.
Correct postures when standing
When we’re standing up straight, sometimes we fall into incorrect postural habits. For example, pointing our feet out to the sides and not facing straight ahead. It’s very important that feet are in line with our hips to get into a proper position.
Focusing on the spinal column and its muscles
Going up our back:
Just like the trunk of a tree, the back supports all of our body’s extremities and keeps us balanced.
The most common back injuries are twists, pulled muscles and sprains (these sort of small injuries need to be treated carefully because complications can arise from even a light pain if we don’t let an injury heal properly). On the other hand, there are slipped discs and fractured vertebrae; with these injuries, you should see your family doctor or a specialist urgently.
Correct back posture
To keep our backs in shape, we need to keep them straight, without hunching our shoulders, and always be aware that, although it seems like forced posture, it’s the shape our body should be keeping. So, looking ahead with our heads raised is better that looking at the floor, which is a common mistake and harmful to our backs.
At work, use special accessories and ergonomic chairs that relieve pressure and support the spinal column. Avoid high heels as well, as these can change your centre of gravity and have a negative effect on posture.